Your search returned the following 180 results:

Sat 17.01.2015

Queer Theory & Geopolitics | Pedagogization

54321… Radical Philosophy Conference 2015
knowledge production under those circumstances, we have to come to terms with the fact that it might be both

Thu 30.11.2017


Discursive installation
1948 Unbound
in terms of a resurrection of an ancient life-form: the demon. Today’s demons are of a technical

Fri 24.03.2006

Cultural Memory

China – Between Past and Future
to come to terms with collective traumas - the Genocides of the 20th century or the Cultural

Campus 2016: The Technosphere Issue

, technological, and living systems is in terms of the technosphere, a hybrid field of infrastructural activities

The Missed Seminar: Curatorial Statement

exhibit that denounces, both in curatorial and juridical terms, the promises of liberal democracy as a

Sat 11.06.2022

Hijacking Memory: Day 3

Conference: talks, panels, concerts
Hijacking Memory
-turvy world? Who is hijacking whom? Does it still make sense to view the Holocaust in terms of left

Sat 19.01.2019

How political is the Bauhaus?

Talks, artistic interventions
either in terms of the sexes or people of different origins and cultures; traditional gender roles and

Teaching the Anthropocene from a Global Perspective

, research-based curriculum on the topic “Sustainable Cities: Contradiction in Terms?” It involved faculty at

Curatorial Statement: Life Forms

imagined. New terms like the “Anthropocene” and the “technosphere” are used to describe these dynamic

Sat 19.10.2019

Conference: Love and Ethnology

Love and Ethnology
Fichte, Philipp Gufler explores the terms of improper speech, gossip, and imitations in his artist book

Life as Search Term

terms of life and form while also trying to think about how people across disciplines have made

Wohnungsfrage: A series of books published in conjunction with the exhibition project

affordable housing on their own terms. The HKW project Wohnungsfrage investigates the fraught relationship

Wohnungsfrage: A series of books published in conjunction with the exhibition project

affordable housing on their own terms. The HKW project Wohnungsfrage investigates the fraught relationship

Wed 14.09.2022

#Commonings: Installations and Activations

New Alphabet School
. Those famous examples stand out to be symbols for a context, if not an era. They are the lost terms of

Podcast: Sustainability | Politics of the Dance Floor

terms of my connection to the dance floor I've been dancing as long as I can remember started formal

Al-mashaa’ or the Space of the Common

elsewhere in the world. Presentations and discussions were organized around key terms such as imagination

Congress: The Whole Life: Archives and Reality

allow more fragile institutions to write their own practice into history, and on their own terms. Common

Sat 11.05.2019

A New School

Conference: Panels
bauhaus imaginista
international modern art and design schools in terms of the social conditions that made new institutions and new

Podcast: Reset | Politics of the Dance Floor

culture and ideas that is often very needed and also just in terms of form in music, it's just often times

Podcast: Solidarity | Politics of the Dance Floor

myself in terms of connecting with other people on a dance floor basis. I'm dancing from my living room