Your search returned the following 203 results:

Fri 15.09.2017

Trains in the Past, Tracks in the Present

Why Are We Here Now?
photographs from the Bavarian State Archives, private letters, and folk narratives, are used in the search for

Fri 19.01.2018

Saving Bruce Lee - Opening with „Introduction to Life“

Film and introduction
Saving Bruce Lee – African and Arab Cinema in the Era of Soviet Cultural Diplomacy
Kristine Khouri the exhibition Past Disquiet: Narratives and Ghosts from the Exhibition of International

Sat 17.09.2022

#Commonings: Day 4

Lectures and performances
New Alphabet School
first three days of Commonings, small rituals for sharing narratives of invisibility have been performed

Sat 15.10.2022

Where is the Planetary?

Practices and Conversations | Day 2
Where is the Planetary?
strife impel us toward callous growth and rapacious progress. Certain narratives of the Anthropocene


activists about the fundamental assumptions underlying our narratives of human history. How can power be

Shortlist Internationaler Literaturpreis 2016

statement: “This year’s shortlist gathers narratives whose authors’ and characters’ lives all hover between

Collaborative network The Whole Life

perspectives. Based on the extensive, open, and interdisciplinary material base, conventional narratives of

Fri 19.08.2022

Desire Lines: Day 1

Discourse, performance
Desire Lines
-media art and decolonial healing justice to challenge regimes of representation and dominant narratives

Sun 12.06.2022

Hijacking Memory: Day 4

Conference: talks, panels, performances
Hijacking Memory
Focusing on post-communist Eastern Europe, Subotić demonstrates how the familiar narratives and images of

Thu 17.03.2016

Les Rencontres Internationales

Les Rencontres Internationales 2016
. Anthony Haughey explores ideological and political narratives, and proposes a reflection on the Srebrenica

Sat 3.12.2022

Capitalism in Cosmological Terms

Lectures, conversations, DJ set
narratives of capitalist modernity? In this lecture Elif Sarican discusses the Kurdish freedom movement’s

The Missed Seminar: Curatorial Statement

Robeson’s lived friendships, encounters and narratives, inscribed into the unconscious of former communist

Sat 17.09.2022

#Commonings: Workshops

New Alphabet School
in collective listening, witnessing and create emerging narratives of disconnection and

Sat 7.07.2012

Europe to the power of n

Other events 2012
’ experiences, memories and narratives, projections, dreams and wishes meet with film images in order to build

(Un-)Learning Tracks

reconstructing historical narratives within existing museum collections and archives and confronts participants

Where is the Planetary?: A Planetary Praxis in the Anthropocene

the potent character of these cosmological orders and narratives are essential to the search for

Sat 19.10.2019

Conference: Love and Ethnology

Love and Ethnology
, institutions and narratives enable this opening? International authors, artists and curators discuss export and (...)
. What bodies, institutions and narratives enable this opening? International authors, artists and

Thu 15.09.2022

#Commonings: Workshops

New Alphabet School
, witnessing and create emerging narratives of disconnection and interconnection. During the five days of the


Narratives – Theory at the ifs internationale filmschule köln. Since 2009 she is also co-curator of Forum

Ceremony: Curatorial Statement

narratives, understood as “representations of origin” that structure genres of discourse rather than as