Your search returned the following 180 results:

Sun 25.11.2018

A conversation about cities, politics, in play and in earnest

The Most Dangerous Game
architecture and urbanism; to some extent even the thesis that academic/political city planning in terms of

Thu 22.10.2009

Negotiating Difference

Frenetic Homeland
single-sided positions that either stress the construction of a ‘Chinese identity’ in essentialist terms

Dictionary of Now

and subtexts of the terms Image, Justice and Animal. How does cultural knowledge reproduce itself in

Thu 31.01.2013

Consequences (One Thing Leads To Another)

transmediale 2013
size, the terms are not fixed but are reliant upon the conditions of the person experiencing it, where


already begins in the sandbox, or, in terms of Earth History, sometime in the Stone Age, when digging

Sensible / Sensitive

Earthbound Knowledge: A Forum 2 | Key Terms I – AGENCY, with Matteo Pasquinelli, Marco Armiero, and Herbert


-84:00 Earthbound Knowledge: A Forum 2 | Key Terms IV – EXPERIMENTATION, with Maya Kovskaya, Erle

The Outside

In the Anthropocene, the outside an important role primarily in terms of its disappearance. When


| Key Terms IV – EXPERIMENTATION, with Maya Kovskaya, Erle Ellis, Nabil Ahmed. Moderation: Jürgen Renn


themselves much more radically into the Earth than in the Holocene. A new force that in terms of its power

Channel Power - The New Alphabet: Volume 18

technical, economic and artistic terms, ranging from recycling and processing systems and digital one-offs

Channel Power - The New Alphabet: Volume 18

technical, economic and artistic terms, ranging from recycling and processing systems and digital one-offs

Sat 17.01.2015

Philosophy of the Essay Film | Animalities

54321… Radical Philosophy Conference 2015
elements have existed since the early years of film, it is only recently that these terms have come to

Fri 4.05.2018

Anthropocene Lecture: Bruno Latour

Lecture, discussion
Anthropocene Lectures
nationalist terms, but as Earth-bound. Following his lecture, Latour discusses his concept of a “terrestrial


to meet academic demands on the one hand and, on the other, to express the findings in cultural terms (...)
academic demands on the one hand and, on the other, to express the findings in cultural terms?

Thu 21.02.2013

Unmenschliche Musik - Opening

Unhuman Music (Unmenschliche Musik)
cutting edge in terms of media, it also invites visitors to participate: several prepaid mobile phones are

Platforms Spaces and Shadows

come to terms with these traumatic experiences, and what effects do they have on today’s society

Seminar Technosphere / Co-Evolution

biosphere and technosphere, technological and scientific progress in terms of coevolutionary dynamics, the


Armin Linke, Territorial Agency Earthbound Knowledge: A Forum 2 | Key Terms I – MODEL, with Christoph

Thu 7.11.2019


New Alphabet School
cultural production and ways of doing must be both integrative, in terms of transforming the materiality of