Your search returned the following 188 results:

Sun 13.01.2019

(Un-)Learning Place — Public Program

Plenum, Discussion, Performance
New Alphabet School
eight Berlin collectives, an (Un-)Learning Place is being staged from January 9 to 13 to mark the launch

Sun 9.10.2005

Deutsches Symphonie Orchester (DSO)

Spaces and Shadows
mark sections in the piece, with specific chords on the piano. Of course the well-tempered scale that

Partners and Team

, Paige West, Michael Williams, Mark Williams, Scott Wing, Daniela Wolf, Tobias Wootton, Anwar Zahid, Jan

Mississippi. An Anthropocene River

, Macalester College Mark Borrello, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota (UMN

Lifelines: Biograhpies

noise of nature in the technologized noosphere. The former Roxy Music keyboardist has long left his mark

1989 – Global Histories: The participants

cultures. Jihan El-Tahri, Author and Film Director, France To the biography of Mark Terkessidis, Journalist

Rage Summit: Participants

estate, and in 2010 it will go to Moscow. To the biography of Mark Terkessidis To the biography of Joseph

Biographies of participants

Society (ed. by Mark Jürgensmeyer, Oxford University Press, 2005, pp. 23-48), “Globalization and