Your search returned the following 8 results:

Eva Randelzhofer

Eva Randelzhofer works as a freelance artist and art curator in Berlin. She develops, curates, and

1948 Unbound, Contributor: Victoria Ivanova

Victoria Ivanova researches, writes, curates, speaks, and consults on innovative approaches to

Thu 30.01.2014

ArtUP! presents future past - past future

Discussion and Presentation
transmediale 2014
society, presents and links up artists, presents media artworks, curates exhibitions, and initiates

Gaming Parcours with Invisible Playground

is a founding member of the Invisible Playground network, curates festivals and exhibitions, teaches

Publication: Land & Animal & Nonanimal

extinction. Meanwhile, Natasha Ginwala curates a paginated intervention on cosmic animal ancestrality with

Sat 24.10.2009

Negotiating Difference

Frenetic Homeland
(BizArt Center, Shanghai/Arthub Hongkong) 11:10 Everyone Curates: From Global Avant-garde to Local

Partners and Team

Alphabet School, advises the blog editors and co-curates individual editions of the School as well as

Fri 21.03.2014

Independently Electric

and curates the e-book boutique (...)
distribution and curates the e-book boutique