Your search returned the following 74 results:

Biographies of the participants and curators

about society, belonging and migration. She has worked with artists, architects, and refugees in

Fri 29.08.2014

Post-Apartheid Public Culture

20 Years of Democracy in South Africa
examines the situation of refugees in South Africa, was part of the official program at the Toronto Film

Alexander Ilichevsky | Andreas Tretner: Der Perser

friends could not have developed more differently. The broadly educated Haşem, the son of Iranian refugees

Michail Schischkin: Venushaar

a voice to Chechen refugees (applying to the Swiss immigration authorities for asylum) and their

Al-mashaa’ or the Space of the Common

public nor private property exists. After sixty-four years, Palestinian refugees still cannot legally own

Sat 8.12.2007

Presentations, talks, discussions

DI/VISIONS. Culture and Politics of the Middle East
is considered an expert on the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to Palestine. Together with

Sat 2.12.2017


1948 Unbound
intergovernmental institutions such as the World Food Program (WFP), and the UN High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR

Fri 30.04.2010

Settling Into motion

Discussion with Grada Kilomba, Peggy Levitt, Onur Kömürcü, Moderation: Jens Schneider
Other events 2010
with the topics of migration and immigration during his work with unaccompanied minors who are refugees

Fri 20.05.2016

Ready or not!? – KulTür auf!

Conference and political jam session
Ready or not!? – Kultür auf!
successes and PEGIDA is still mobilizing successfully. In Berlin, attacks on refugees and people of color

Archive of Refuge: Curatorial Statement

the experience of a hearing by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees? What themes and motifs

Fri 16.12.2005

Curator's Selection

Dream and Trauma
Goren's family chronicle, his personal and professional life, the plight of Palestinian refugees


,” which examines the situation of refugees in South Africa, was part of the official program at the

Podcast: Sustainability | Politics of the Dance Floor

since living in Berlin is that many migrants and working class people many BPOC and refugees are not

Podcast: Solidarity | Politics of the Dance Floor

identifying migrants and refugees, specifically having done my research in Berlin. Anyway, enough about me let