Your search returned the following 172 results:

The Caring City

Participation is free of carge. If interested and to register: The workshops are

Beyond Multiculturalism? - Biographies

Group on Social Integration of Ethnic Minorities and their full Participation in the Labor Market”. From


raise public awareness, participation, mobilization, and action on police surveillance and to sustain

Wed 14.09.2022

#Commonings: Installations and Activations

New Alphabet School
the participation of Mour Fall, Ivonne González Núñez, Paulina Marquez, and in collaboration with Maya

Sun 20.03.2016

Les Rencontres Internationales

Les Rencontres Internationales 2016
and drones manufacturer for military use in Austria. Guston Sondin-Kung describes the participation of

The Potosí Principle: Biographies of Artists, Curators and Correspondents

, among other places, in Mannheim, Madrid, and Berlin (e.g. exhibition participation in La Normalidad

Al-mashaa’ or the Space of the Common

fundamental aspect of the common—a demand for active participation—is also present in the Arabic term al

Curatorial Statement: bauhaus imaginista

its participation in international networks prior to 1933 and how this was mirrored in the school’s

Sat 17.06.2017

Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin

Les Rencontres Internationales – New Cinema and Contemporary Art
participation, Muntadas uses an array of media, languages and discursive strategies that encompassinterventions

1989 – Global Histories: The participants

2007. She is co-editor of “Insider-Outsider: Images, Ethnic Spaces and Participation in the Migration

Biographies of participants

participation in the age of globalization, Fischer, 1999). Sabine Berking is a research staff worker at the

Podcast: Solidarity | Politics of the Dance Floor

solidarity I realized that solidarity requires participation. You have to do something and it's not just