Your search returned the following 251 results:

Seminars: Campus 2016: The Technosphere Issue

for an anthropocenic world is commonplace. But little light is shed on the role that actual narrative

Additional program: The Whole Life: Archives and Reality

conversation are fundamental questions about the status of the object, narrative strategies in the archive

Sun 13.01.2019

(Un-)Learning Place — Public Program

Plenum, Discussion, Performance
New Alphabet School
”) instantiated in museological scenography, narrative, and display? How do museums of natural history

Sat 17.06.2017

Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin

Les Rencontres Internationales – New Cinema and Contemporary Art
, anyone. Us in the course of time. Benjamin Ramírez Pérez develops an abstract narrative from the film

Curatorial Statement: Life Forms

the collective negotiation of conditions for life on Earth? Finally, the narrative of our present can

Earth Indices: Processing the Anthropocene

metal structure hanging from the ceiling. This choreographic system, with images grouped into narrative

Curatorial Statement: bauhaus imaginista

experiment in a dialogical, transdisciplinary, and transhistorical narrative comprising the potential to

It’s Our School! Ideas Competition

narrative form using pictures that was recorded as a video clip. The extremely well thought out contribution

It’s Our School! Ideas Competition

narrative form using pictures that was recorded as a video clip. The extremely well thought out contribution


reciprocal commentary reveal an open narrative process. Alexander Kluge received the German Film Award for

Podcast: Solidarity | Politics of the Dance Floor

narrative of gentrification travel overseas for example? Yuko Asanuma Well before I get into that I position