Your search returned the following 66 results:

Fri 10.06.2022

Hijacking Memory: Day 2

Conference: talks, panels, screening
Hijacking Memory
for a dominant ethnic, religious or racial group over the other people with whom they share a country

Fri 21.01.2011

Germany's Muslims and European Islam

Lectures and Discussions
Germany's Muslims and European Islam
study on ethnic and religious diversity in Turkey, a subject that is of great significance also to her

Program Advisory Board

ethnic studies.

Thu 15.09.2022

#Commonings: Workshops

New Alphabet School
representative image of Cultural Trauma Studies, the group will deal with the body (non-political, non-ethnic


, Communication & Society, Ethnic and Racial Studies and European Journal of Social Theory, among others. She is

1989 – Global Histories: The participants

2007. She is co-editor of “Insider-Outsider: Images, Ethnic Spaces and Participation in the Migration