Your search returned the following 350 results:

Sat 11.10.2008

African Cinema, Post-colonialism and the aesthetic strategies of representation

African Screens - New Cinemas from Africa
Diawara The new African cinema no longer deals with simple confrontations: Africa versus Europe (...)
African Cinema, Post-colonialism and the aesthetic strategies of representation (...)
African Screens - New Cinemas from Africa

Sun 20.06.2010


Panel of Experts
Cup of Cultures
with Andreas Mehler, Director of the GIGA Institute for African Studies, and Moritz Rinke, active

Fri 4.12.2009

What's Literature got to do with it?

Literary discussion
Lifelines #2: Nuruddin Farah
How are African writers perceived? And by whom and in what context? What conventions are read into

Wed 3.02.2021

Black Italy

Video series: Lectures, discussions
The Broken Archive
a country of immigration; one fifth of foreign citizens in Italy today are of African origin. Yet (...)
African origin. Yet the cultures of African Diasporic communities have been disregarded in the canon. How

Thu 19.09.2013

After Year Zero – Exhibition

After Year Zero
intersection between European and African history. The installations and videos by artists such as John (...)
told here with a focus on the intersection between European and African history. The installations and

Fri 8.08.2014


Wassermusik: Lusofonia
Homeboyz have given hits like “African Central Soul (Guitar Mix)” a specifically Angolan sound. (...)
Homeboyz have given hits like “African Central Soul (Guitar Mix)” a

Sun 26.10.2008


African Screens - New Cinemas from Africa
; emotional images as the essence of an African identity) can be seen again in the cinema now, now that the (...)
African Screens - New Cinemas from Africa

Mon 9.05.2016

Mimicry Games – Philip Kojo Metz & Christoph Schlingensief’s African Opera Village

in France, in Dakar, African professional football players from former European colonies will compete (...)
Mimicry Games – Philip Kojo Metz & Christoph Schlingensief’s African Opera Village (...)
. Parallel to the European Cup in France, in Dakar, African professional football players from former

Sun 8.12.2019

„Der Gott steigt in den Kopf herunter“ – Fichte und Trance

Love and Ethnology
Hubert Fichte’s fascination with (African and African American) trance practices was ambivalent: On (...)
Hubert Fichte’s fascination with (African and African American) trance

Sat 20.01.2018

Constantin Katsakioris: The Soviet Union and Africa: The Forgotten Chapter of Educational Aid, 1950s–1991

Saving Bruce Lee – African and Arab Cinema in the Era of Soviet Cultural Diplomacy
Africa by offering African students scholarships to study at Russian universities. This program was (...)
Saving Bruce Lee – African and Arab Cinema in the Era of Soviet Cultural Diplomacy (...)
ties with Sub-Saharan Africa by offering African students scholarships to study at Russian universities

Sun 12.06.2005


Much more than an African “social club”: eight unplugged Rumba veterans. Anything but a museum (...)
Much more than an African “social club”: eight unplugged

Thu 13.11.2008

The Land Question in South Africa

Reading, talk and film
. The South African pastor and opponent of Apartheid worked for a time in the South African Church

Partners and sponsors

"AFRICAN SCREENS - New Cinemas from Africa" at the House of World Cultures In co-operation with

D.A. Masolo

and expertise in African philosophy, Prof. Masolo travels widely to give invited talks and to serve as

Sat 11.08.2018

Shabaka & The Ancestors | Mitch & Mitch

Concerts, film
African jazz legend Louis Moholo-Moholo, who had a lasting influence on the London jazz scene at the end

Fri 18.06.2010

Freshlyground (RSA)

Cup of Cultures
ambassadors of the South African soccer association, they also are performing the official World Cup song at (...)
have been named ambassadors of the South African soccer association, they also are performing the

Cup of Cultures

, as the House is transformed into an African football center – Berlin’s most international viewing (...)
to the next round, as the House is transformed into an African football center – Berlin’s most

Thu 22.11.2012

Chronicle of a Revolt - Opening

Exhibition, Discussions, Concert
Chronicle of a Revolt
events in Senegal in the context of African protest culture and revolutionary powers. A concert with (...)
Achcar and others place the events in Senegal in the context of African protest culture and

Thu 28.08.2014


20 Years of Democracy in South Africa
”) Goodbye Sandton, Hello Soweto! 20 Years of South African Democracy and Beyond Keynote by Njabulo S Ndebele

Wed 5.06.2019

From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation

Lecture, discussion
discussion for Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, author and professor of African-American Studies at Princeton (...)
African-American Movement