Gallery Weekend

Assembly and Artist Talk with Agentur, Angela Melitopoulos, Anselm Franke a.o.

Sat, Apr 28, 2012
3 pm
Admission: 5 € / 3 € (exhibition included)

15.30 h "Assembly" with artist Kobe Matthys (Agency), speculating on the question: "How can non-humans become included within art practices?"

"Thing 000770 (Zwischen Zirkuskuppel und Manege)" concerns a controversy between the animal trainer Monika Holzmüller and the television WRD about the film “Zwischen Zirkuskuppel und Manege”. The television film contained archive images of the Monika Holzmüller's circus performance with the elephant Moni. During this performance, the elephant answers verbal questions by nodding her head; solves simple mathematical questions, choses food and drinks from a menu; drinks champagne and smokes a cigarette. In the case "Holzmüller g. WRD" at Landgericht München, the judge asked if Monika Holzmüller’s performance with elephant Moni fell into the range of works of art protected by copyright.

Discussion with: Vera Knolle (choreograph and dramaturg), Martin Nachbar (choreograph, performer), Claus Kröplin (director of Berufsverband der Tierlehrer e.V.) and Sebastian Dramburg (lawyer).

17 h Artist Talk with Angela Melitopoulos

The exhibition...