
Karlijn Stoffels (Netherlands) reads from her young adult book "1:0 für die Idioten" (t: 1:0 for the idiots)

Wed, Sep 22, 2010
1 pm

“The world and I have always fought each other” – that is how Luisa describes her relationship to her environment and vice versa. On the search for adequate emotional and social forms of expression, she steps over the line time and again. She rejects the life of fitting-in that she sees around her and fails in her attempts to imitate it. A dog foils her attempt to commit suicide in the sea by pulling her to shore. In order to finally find herself, Luisa lets herself be treated by a child psychiatrist and takes her first steps toward a self-determined future.

International Children’s and Youth Literature

PRESENTER: Kathleen Gallego Zapata SPRECHERIN: Regina Gisbertz

9th – 11th Grade