
Iwan Bunin (1870 Russia - 1953 France)

Texts from "Dark Alleys", "Caucasus" and "Light Breathing"

Tue, Sep 21, 2010
7 pm
Admission: 6 €, concessions 5 €, school students 4 €

Ivan Bunin was the literary heir of Chekhov and Turgenjev, and was regarded by André Gide as one of great Russian writers of the 20th Century. He was the voice a disappearing world, which was afraid to love and so, lost its life. He emigrated to France after the Russian Revolution. In 1933 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, and in 1956, 3 years after his death, he was rehabilitated in the Soviet Union.

Speak, memory

INTRODUCTION: Marina Neubert SPEAKER: Roland Schäfer