Conference - Day 2

Colonial Caleidoscope Caribbean

The Caribbean in the Focus of Cultural Transfer Processes in the 19th Century

Fri, Jul 10, 2009
9 am

English and French with German simultaneous translation

Day 1 l Day 2 | Day 3

Cuba in the Caribbean Kaleidoscope

9:00 Opening Lecture - Roberto González Echevarría (Yale University): Fiestas y el origen de la nación cubana: Francisco de Anselmo Suárez y Romero

9:45 Thomas Bremer (Universität Halle): El esclavo cubano desde la perspectiva de los viajeros ingleses: Manzano, la literatura abolicionista en Cuba y su recepción en Inglaterra

10:15 Liliana Gómez (Freie Universität Berlin/Columbia University): El colonialismo europeo en la pintura cubana del siglo XIX

10:45-11:15 Coffee break

Guadeloupe and Martinique in the Caribbean Kaleidoscope

11:15 Marcel Dorigny (Univ. Paris 8): Quelle liberté du travail après l’abolition de l’esclavage? Les règlements de culture à Saint-Domingue et Haïti de 1793 aux années 1840, ou l’impossible transfert des schémas agraires coloniaux dans le contexte de la “Liberté générale”

11:45 Nelly Schmidt (Univ. Paris IV, CNRS): Les luttes contre l'esclavage dans les Caraïbes francophones au XIXe siècle: engagements des esclaves, politique coloniale et héritage schoelcherien

12:15-14:00 Lunch

14:00 Gesine Müller (Universität Potsdam): El Caribe colonial entre multirelacionalidad y bipolaridad. Procesos de transferencias en literaturas francófonas e hispanófonas

14:30 Oruno D. Lara (Centre de recherches Caraïbes-Amériques, Paris): La liberté assassinée. Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyane entre 1848 et 1856: une phase de transition, de l'esclavage au travail libre

15:00 Caroline Oudin-Bastide (Paris): Violence légale, châtiments "excessifs" et impunité des maîtres dans la société esclavagiste (Martinique, Guadeloupe, XVIIe-XIXe siècles)

15:40-16:15 Coffee break

The Americas in the Caribbean Kaleidoscope

16:15 Luzelena Gutiérrez de Velasco (El Colegio de México): José María Heredia en México

16:45 Héctor Pérez Brignoli (Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin/Universidad de Costa Rica): Transferencias culturales entre el Caribe y América Latina

18:00 Pirates and Poets. The Hidden History of Globalization

Panel discussion with James Arnold (literary scholar, Virginia University), Louis-Philippe Dalembert (Haiti), Sibylle Fischer (Spanish and Portuguese Literature, New York University)

Moderator: Kofi Yakpo (linguistics and political science, Radboud University Nijmegen), Introduction: Gesine Müller

English and French with German simultaneous translation

Even before the term "globalization" became a buzzword, there existed in the 19th Century an exchange of knowledge and culture of truly global proportions. Pirates - and other seafarers- sailed between Europe, the Caribbean and Africa, and aside from transporting looted goods, they transported people as well - and with them their languages, histories, traditions, cultural practices. Writers fled into exile and their focus turned to issues around migration, integration, and loss of homeland. How have these early global processes influenced our notion of modernity?

In collaboration of Universität Potsdam, Haus der Kulturen der Welt and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Organisation: Ottmar Ette and Gesine Müller (DFG-Emmy Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe „Transkoloniale Karibik“)

Day 1 l Day 2 | Day 3