Flaming Creatures + Andy Warhol: Made in China

D: Jack Smith + Lee Caplin

Fri, Apr 18, 2008
8 pm
Admission: 5 Euros, concessions 3 Euros

Love & Fantasy

Jack Smith: Flaming Creatures

Experimental film, USA 1963, 46 min, Engl. OV

‘Is there a lipstick that doesn’t come off when you suck cock?’ It was with this question that the scandal film of the 1960s ended. And it appeared in a film that drew – with its orgiastic-oriental imagery – a garish counter-blueprint to western etiquette. Susan Sontag: ‘Jack Smith’s film possesses the casualness, the arbitrariness and the unrestrainedness of Pop Art.’

Lee Caplin: Andy Warhol: Made in China

Documentary film, USA 1992, 29 min, Engl. OV

A millionaires’ family gathering, the opening of a club, the master of pop art on the road in the Middle Kingdom. The journey took Warhol, who was accompanied here by his escort, from the glistening skyscrapers of Hong Kong to the Forbidden City in Beijing. A home movie for fans, and a sensitive portrait of an artist who was as shy as he was glamorous.