Her mit dem schönen Leben!, © Katja Berls

Mar 9, 2017

New Experts!

School projects and student congress

Student congress

Mar 9, 2017

In their school lives, teens in particular are experts in the immigration society yet they rarely have a say about it. Since December 2016, students at the Staatliche Europa-Schulen in Berlin have been seeking new imagery, presentation formats and narratives that do justice to their points of view.

They are using artistic means to explore immigration and displacement, questions about community and identity. Together with artists who deal with these issues in their work and with critical migration scholars, they grapple with the role of distance, for example, in cross-national family structures, invent contemporary Berlin bands and reconstruct classic films with new endings. In March, everyone involved in the project will gather at HKW for a congress organized autonomously by the students to discuss their findings.

With students from the Staatliche Europa-Schule Berlin (SESB) as well as regular and welcome classes of the Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium, Alfred-Nobel-Schule, Carl-von-Ossietzky-Schule, Friedensburg-Schule, Hans-Litten-Schule, Kurt-Schwitters-Schule, Max-von-Laue-Schule, Mildred-Harnack-Schule, Peter-Ustinov-Schule, Robert-Jungk-Schule, Schiller-Gymnasium, Sophie-Scholl-Schule and with Diana Abdulkarim, Cana Bilir-Meier, Büro Eta Boeklund, Bino Byansi Byakuleka, filmArche Berlin, Constanze Fischbeck, Nanna Heidenreich, Ana Hoffner, Jasmin Ibrahim, Kiez-Lab Berlin, kollektiv orangotango, Jalal Maghout, Branka Pavlovic, pong Film, Raumlabor, Isabell Spengler and SuperFuture

As part of Schools of Tomorrow and 100 Years of Now.