Henning Schmidgen

Henning Schmidgen is professor for the theory of media worlds at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. He studied psychology, philosophy, and linguistics in Berlin and Paris, was a researcher at the Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, and professor for media aesthetics at Universität Regensburg. He has written numerous publications on the history of experimental life sciences, the philosophy and aesthetics of machines and actor-network theory. Recent publications include: Hirn und Zeit. Die Geschichte eines Experiments, 1800-1950 (Berlin, 2014) and Bruno Latour in Pieces. An Intellectual Biography (New York, 2015).

100 Years of Now. The Opening

Speaking from the Laboratory

With Jimena Canales, Orit Halpern, Mark B. N. Hansen, S Løchlann Jain, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, and Henning Schmidgen

Dialogues in Three Parallel Threads

Sep 30, 2015

100 Years of Now. The Opening

Time’s Attack on the Rest of Life: Laboratory

With Henning Schmidgen, Jimena Canales, and Stephan Geene

Talk and film

Oct 1, 2015